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Green World Recycling, Ltd is committed to sustainable development in the poorest countries of the world and the protection of the environment. One of the activities of the network is the collection of used clothing, allowing it to be worn again and to generate funds for development cooperation.


This Code of Conduct for clothes collections in Europe sets the standards for the handling of used clothing. It describes the sustainable and responsible collection, sorting, re-use and recycling of clothing stating the principles behind our role in the textile value chain.


We are proud of the work we do to allow wearable used clothing to be worn by others. We facilitate re-wear of clothing. This practice prevents waste and saves valuable resources.



We comply with the waste management hierarchies set in the EU Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EU).

The waste hierarchy establishes priorities in waste prevention and management legislation and policy:

a) prevention;

b) Preparing for re-use;

c) Recycling;

d) Other recovery e.g. energy recovery;

e) disposal;

Through our careful handling we ensure that a minimum of 90% of the goods we collect are reused or recycled.


WASTE PREVENTION - Green World Recycling, Ltd collects and facilitates re-wear and re-use of clothing and thus prevents waste.


RE-WEAR AND RE-USE - Green World Recycling, Ltd facilitates a minimum of 50% re-wear and re-use of the collected clothing.


RECYCLING - Green World Recycling, Ltd works with actors that recycle cotton, wool, plastic and other recyclable materials. Green World Recycling, Ltdt participates in innovative initiatives to recycle the non-wearable clothing and other items collected.


Recycling of clothing not suitable for re-wear or re-use is done using the best available technique, with priority given to closed-loop recycling over low-grade recycling.


ENERGY RECOVERY - Green World Recycling, Ltd delivers residuals for energy recovery where this is environmentally viable.



When handling clothing, Green World Recycling, Ltd ensures:


1. Visible purpose


The name of the collector and the purpose of the collection are clearly visible on the means of collection.


2. We answer your call


Wherever Green World Recycling, Ltd operates, we display clear and complete contact information. We answer your call. We strive to correct any irregularities within 24 hours.


3. Best practice and good governance


Cross-border cooperation and involvement of key persons within the Green World Recycling, Ltd are vital tools in our operations. We strive to share and enforce best practises and good governance and bring in third-party organisations to certify compliance with our criteria.


4. Registration


The Green World Recycling, Ltd secures adequate registration of all clothing we handle from the collection point to the end user. We document the handling process timely and precisely.


5. Service is our hallmark


We are known for our good service and availability. We ensure that our containers are emptied frequently. Containers are well maintained and the immediate area around the container is kept free of waste or clothing. Collection containers are only placed after having received a permit.


6. Awareness and public involvement


We promote more frequent and better re-wear and recycling through our own informational materials and through cooperation with many partners, private as well as public. We open our doors for schools, NGOs, companies and visitors in general to provide knowledge about the collection of clothing and the saving of resources. Information about items accepted in the collection is clearly stated to the donor.


The use of the clothing at national and international levels is explained by posters or other means.

7. Quality of procedures and data


We make high-quality, timely and reliable data available. We adhere to all relevant permissions, laws and regulations. We implement quality systems, such as ISO, to secure proper procedures, control and documentation.


8. Health and Safety


We safeguard good working conditions for all staff and comply with national and international standards.


9. Chain responsibility & documentation.


In each step of the handling process for clothing, Green World Recycling works with competent organisations that comply with standards similar to those set in this Code of Conduct regarding health, safety, environment, working conditions, and ethical aspects.

Documentation is based on written agreements, reporting systems, declaration from customers (next in the chain) and suppliers.


10. Transparency – Global Textile Transparency Report


All relevant parties are provided with social, financial and environmental reports including greenhouse gas emission calculations based on scientific methods and references. Our Global Textile Transparency Reports, controlled and performed by third parties, and national audited accounts form basis of the reporting.


11. Social performance


We are committed to sustainable development benefiting the poor. We use the proceeds for social causes and/or reinvest generated surplus in similar activities.


12. Fighting corruption


We choose reliable customers and business partners. We do not accept cash payments, but only payments via bank systems. Our customers sign the ´Compliance Commitment´ by which they obligate themselves to legal and serious trade relationships.


13. International standards


We adhere to the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact. These principles are derived from: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.


London, September 2018

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